It’s that time of year again when we can plunder our stashes for all things pink and red in the name of fondness, friendship, and love.
Just in case you want to know why we celebrate February 14 with representations of affection, I’ve excerpted this bio of St. Valentine from catholic.org:
St. Valentine was a Priest, martyred in 269 at Rome and was buried on the Flaminian Way. He is the Patron Saint of affianced couples, bee keepers, engaged couples, epilepsy, fainting, greetings, happy marriages, love, lovers, plague, travellers, young people. He is represented in pictures with birds and roses.
I get the connection to love and marriage–how about plague? What does it mean to be the patron saint of plague? Although epilepsy and fainting are odd as well. I guess that’s what love is, a swooning sentiment that can give you fits . . . yes, I do know . . . St. Valentine will intercede in all plaguing matters, etc.
We blogging sisters at ♥ See How We Sew ♥ have much more charming Valentines to share with our readers:
Laura’s Take on Valentine’s Day
From Laura’s workshop, a brand new iteration of her popular apron pattern and she’s offering a copy of the pattern as a giveaway. See details below.

Laura’s Tea for Two apron can be made in two variations–the one shown above and another with a top bib. You can purchase the apron pattern at Laura’s website (and/or enter the giveaway). The pattern was designed originally by Althea Hampton, the mother of Laura’s long-time collaborator Diana McClun. She and Laura found Althea’s original apron with the paper pattern tucked into a side pocket while rummaging through a box of vintage aprons they’d found. What a lovely gift! (And one Diana and Laura have enjoyed for years by making many versions for special holidays and events.)
Darra Sends Out ♥ Messages via Postcard Quilts
Darra’s been channeling heartfelt themes for a while now in her postcard quilts:

“Be Mine” by Darra Williamson

“Hearts Entwined” by Darra Williamson

“Cross My Heart” by Darra Williamson
Check back on Tuesday next week, as Darra’s got something wonderful cooking for Valentine’s Day in her upcoming post.
Jennifer Goes for Hearts and Flowers
As to Jennifer (me), I’ve been eyeing my silk ribbon and bead collections for appropriate Valentine fodder. My take on the day is doorknob decor. I just love the idea of surprising a loved one with a handmade token of my esteem (perfect houseguest treat BTW!):

A heartfelt memento for a valentine.
I’m not sure I’m ready to graduate from Candace Kling’s academy of ribbon work, but I’m practicing. The instructions for each one of those flowers, leaves and berry bud can be found in The Artful Ribbon. The how-to’s for the heart pillow are available in our Pattern Library. Yes, I was feeling piratical last year, but the directions work for whatever riff you choose.

Inspired by Candace Kling, here’s my take on silk ribbon flowers with beads and ribbon plundered from my stash.
The Giveaway Scoop
Send us a ♥-felt sentiment, phrase, wish in Comments to enter the giveaway for Laura’s apron pattern. Darra will announce the winner in her Tuesday post on February 12.
Heartiest greetings to all!
