Oh, but my intentions were good. I had it all planned. A meaningful, “meaty” post, complete with a clever little project. Time came to make the samples, write the instructions, take the step-by-step photos. And then, IT happened.

No. Not my hand!
I should know by now. Once March rolls around, and college basketball heats to a boil in the insanity of its annual “hoops” tournament, I can kiss productivity good-bye. For three weeks, I’m a prisoner to my passion. Basketball becomes my life. Reading the previews, choosing my favorites, watching the action, reading about it afterwards. Basketball fills my days, and my dreams.

Once March arrives, I see basketballs everywhere.
There was a time when I actually owned a hat fashioned from a real basketball, which I sported in front of the TV when my team was on the court.
Luckily, no photos survive.

Even though my team didn't make it to "the dance" this year, I'll be in front of the TV for every tip off.
Despite my temporary “madness,” I do manage to squeeze in my resolved 30 minutes of creativity a day, but even that is affected.

Minor Madness, 3" x 5". This was totally unconscious. Honestly! I didn't realize what I had created until it was finished.
So I hope you’ll forgive me for “taking the bye” this time around. I promise to get that project together and post it sometime very soon. Meantime, I think I’ll step outside and shoot a few hoops before today’s games begin.

March Madness with Sunbonnet Sue, 22" x 26". Pattern appears in the Martingale & Company book, "A Year in the Life of Sunbonnet Sue," by my friend, Chris Porter, and me.
May your day be a “winner,” and ’til next time, happy stitching!

PS: Speaking of winners – Congratulations to Carmen Wyant,winner of the book, Quilt National 2011: The Best in Contemporary Quilts, donated by Lark Crafts in conjunction with my March 9 post. Carmen, please send me your mailing address via seehowwesew@gmail.com, and we’ll get that book on its way.