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An Indie Modern Quilt Group Takes on a Color Challenge

As promised in Tuesday’s post, here are the fruits of the recent creative labor of Indie Modern Quilters, Danville, CA. You’ll recall that the group explores modern quilting. Meetings take place every first Thursday of the month at Wooden Gate Quilts to chat about projects, take on challenges, and share a love of quilting.

2014-07-28 13.23.31

In the first challenge each member created small quilts with a modern twist using a limited color palette. The variety of interpretations was really interesting and a lot of fun to see. They are on display at Wooden Gate Quilts, but we’ve got photos here at SHWS for you to enjoy.

Patty Flynn

Sandra Chan Brown (2)

Gina Chang

Kim Butterworth

Carol Roach

Tracy Allen

Pati Fried

Mary Tigert


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